| Cancercare UK is a Registered Charity (No 1111856) with the Charity Commission and was formed in 2008, when a group of people affected by Cancer decided that they wanted to help those, who like themselves had their lives affected by this terrible disease. .
Realising that many already established charities were already helping millions of people cope with the effects of Cancer treatment but that sometimes, when patients or families had finished their treatment the established charities were not meeting their needs. Cancercare UK was set up with the intentions of ensuring that support was there for those that needed it when treatment was over, but the long term after shocks of this disease carried on. Cancer patients, who thanks to medical advances were classed as cured still needed support and guidance as to 'What next'? Whether it was returning to work, financial questions, relationship problems or just a listening ear a Cancer survivor's worries do not dissappear just because the medical establishment says they are cured.
We have several goals in our mission.
To ensure that a Cancer survivor is able to return to 'Life as Normal' as quickly as they want.
To answer the questions they have, however basic or complex.
To support and guide the families who live with cancer survivors.
Making sure that you are receiving the help and benefits you are entitled to.
Offering support to those who are left behind when there is no happy ending. |